One of the joys of any hobby is sharing it with others. We’re partnering with hobbyists, artists and craftspeople in our community to teach a variety of workshops about painting models, crafting and more. These talented people will be teaching their tips and tricks, do's and dont's and other helpful information regarding a variety of hobbies.
Workshop Registration
Learn Hobby Skills in Community-Led Workshops
How It Works
Our workshop program is organized and hosted by BC Hobbies with the help of local artists and creators. Workshops will be hosted within Hillside Shopping Centre at a temporary location on Thursdays from 5:30PM - 8:30PM (the shopping centre closes at 9:00PM). It’s advised Show up a few minutes early! Your facilitator will roll call attendants to the front of BC Hobbies and will lead the group to the workshop location together.
Some basic supplies like rulers, hobby knives & paint will be provided by BC Hobbies, but some requirements outlined by the facilitator of your workshop may require attendees to bring their own.
Signing Up
To sign up for a workshop, check the available listing below. All our signups are handled via Eventbrite below. The ticket price for a workshop is $20. If we have to cancel a workshop, all tickets for that workshop are automatically refunded to their original method of payment via Eventbrite. Workshop attendants must be 14 years or older.
Frequently Asked Questions
When and where are workshops taking place?
Workshops are hosted within Hillside Shopping Centre from 5:30PM-9:30 on select Thursdays (see workshop listings below for exact dates.
How much do workshops cost?
Ticket prices are $20 via Eventbrite.
Can I sign up for a workshop in-store?
No, you will be directed to this page. Tickets are available online only via Eventbrite.
Are there any specific rules or age limitations for workshop attendees?
All attendants must be over the age of 14. Anyone under the age of 18 must sign a waiver. Other than that, be polite and courteous to other attendees and the facilitator. Do not disrupt the workshop - your facilitator will answer your questions after they have explained their points. Rudeness and inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated and will result in immediate ejection from the workshop.
Will I be filmed or photographed?
BC Hobbies will not be filming or taking photographs at these events. There is a possibility of photos or video being captured by your facilitator. If so, you will be told by your facilitator at the start of class and presented with a waiver. Your facilitator is responsible for any concerns around the media they capture during a workshop.
Are tickets refundable?
We cannot refund tickets individually. However, if a workshop needs to be rescheduled or cancelled, eventbrite will automatically refund all tickets to any attendees that purchased one for that workshop.
Still Have Questions?
If you've still got questions, direct them to with the subject line "Workshop Questions" and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Do not call the store with workshop questions, you will be referred to this page as organization is handled by our office team.
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If you're viewing this page on a tablet you will likely encounter a few errors. Switch to your phone or a computer to view the page properly and sign up for workshops. There is no fix for this issue, unfortunately.
Available Workshops
More 2025 Workshop Dates Coming Soon - Stay tuned for an update on social media!
Feb 13th: Miniature Painting Part 1: The Basics
Miniature Painting Part 1: The Basics (JR04)
This 2-part workshop is designed to teach you the basics of miniature painting, with a focus on basic painting techniques. You get to paint your very own miniature to take home. This listing is for Part 1, which is offered as a standalone workshop. However, it can be continued in Part 2 listed below.
Level: Beginner
Capacity: 8
Facilitator: Jordan R
About the Facilitator(s): Jordan (AKA: Little Ghost Minis) is a veteran hobbyist with a passion for 40k, painting, terrain sculpting and 3D Modeling.
Safety: There are no safety concerns, unless you're concerned about having too much fun!
What to Bring: Materials will be provided.
March 6th: Miniature Painting: GW Method
Miniature Painting: Games Workshop Method
Perfect for people who have never painted minis before, this workshop will teach the very basics of miniature painting.
We will learn about the different tools and materials every mini painter should have, and go through a reliable method to make mini painting easier, speedier and fun.
Level: Beginner
Capacity: 8
Facilitator: Ariel Moore
About the Facilitator(s): Ariel Moore has been painting miniatures for over 15 years. He is versed in teaching miniature painting methods and theory, and has taught in schools, summer camps, independently and within BC Hobbies programs. He has done commission work through BC Hobbies, and has a range of minis on display within the store.
Safety: There are no safety concerns.
What to Bring: Materials will be provided.
March 13th: Miniature Painting Part 2: Slap Chop
Miniature Painting Part 2: Slapchop (JR05)
This 2-part workshop is designed to teach you the basics of miniature painting, with a focus on basic painting techniques. You get to paint your very own miniature to take home. This listing is for Part 2, which is offered as a standalone workshop but directly builds on the techniques learned in Part 1 (listed above).
Level: Beginner
Capacity: 8
Facilitator: Jordan R
About the Facilitator(s): Jordan (AKA: Little Ghost Minis) is a veteran hobbyist with a passion for 40k, painting, terrain sculpting and 3D Modeling.
Safety: There are no safety concerns, unless you're concerned about having too much fun!
What to Bring: Materials will be provided.
March 27th: Terrain Crafting Animated Flaming Ruins
Terrain Crafting: Animated Flaming Ruins
Join Greg's workshop and learn how to bring your Warhammer games to life by crafting animated terrain pieces. In this workshop, you'll be constructing a set of tabletop terrain - by starting with simple LEDs you will learn how to add special effects to your terrain without soldering! This will be a hands-on workshop following Greg’s YouTube video on the same topic.
Level: Beginner
Capacity: 8
Facilitator: Greg Amlin (Subscribe on YouTube)
About the Facilitator(s): Greg has been building war-gaming terrain for over 30 years, has played 40k socially and competitively all over Canada. He has worked extensively within the business (including being trained in retail by Games Workshop). Additionally, he has had the great fortune of earning two Warhammer 40k Canadian Grand Champion titles.
Safety: Safety around hobby knives is required, knives will be provided.
What to Bring: Bring a glue gun with glue refills for you to use.
April 10th: Miniature Painting: Slap Chop Method
Miniature Painting: Slap Chop Method with Ariel Moore
Great for beginner and intermediate painters, this workshop will introduce students to a speed hack in mini painting. Using modern paints and a revolutionary method, students will learn to paint exceptionally fast and still get fantastic results.
Level: Beginner
Capacity: 8
Facilitator: Ariel Moore
About the Facilitator(s): Ariel Moore has been painting miniatures for over 15 years. He is versed in teaching miniature painting methods and theory, and has taught in schools, summer camps, independently and within BC Hobbies programs. He has done commission work through BC Hobbies, and has a range of minis on display within the store.
Safety: There are no safety concerns.
What to Bring: Materials will be provided.
Past Events
If you're curious, here is a list of past workshops hosted via BC Hobbies.
- Miniature Painting: Introduction to Miniature Painting (JR03)
- Terrain Crafting: "Whammertronics" Trenches and Animated Burn Barrel (GA02)
- Miniature Painting: Slap Chop Method (AM04)
- Miniature Painting: Games Workshop Method (AM03)
- Terrain Crafting: "Whammertronics" Animated Flaming Ruins (GA01)
- Miniature Painting 101: Slapchop & Contrast Paints w/ Ariel Moore (ariel_moore_minis)
- Miniature Painting 102: Intro to Value & Contrast w/ Jordan R (little_ghost_minis)
- Rocketeering 101: An Introduction to Model Rockets w/ Mark from BC Hobbies
- Airbrushing 101: An Introduction to Airbrushing w/ Liam (liamshobbyroom)
Want to Teach?
If you're one of our many talented hobbyists in the Victoria area and would like to teach a workshop through the BC Hobbies Workshop program, please reach out to with the subject line "Workshop Questions!" Be sure to outline exactly what you'd like to do, and if it fits within our plans we can work together to make it happen. Please be advised that BC Hobbies has the final say on any workshop plans, curriculums or materials and some changes may be imposed to make things fit within our framework.